Monday, September 3, 2012

Days 7, 8, and 9.

I could come up with a great excuse as to why I haven't posted, but my brain doesn't work because I stopped smoking Friday.  Please note there are no pictures from that day.

Friday was, of course, full of determination.  Saturday was spent wondering if it was worth it.

This was literally a 2 minute hair day.  I spritzed, I waxed, I was done. 

At this point it was a little flat because I spent my nicotine detox day sleeping and eating.

I have GOT to get back to the gym because I am pretty sure I have eaten the equivalent of a horse in the past 72 hours.

Non-smoker Rebecca will eat your face off.

What's that?  You didn't know I smoked?  Well, that is because I have spent the past ten years telling myself I wasn't really a smoker.

Sure, I was buying two or three packs of cigarettes a week.  Okay, when I didn't have a cigarette, I yelled at EVERYONE in the vicinity.  Granted, every time I saw someone smoking on television, my fingers twitched. 

I finally admitted I couldn't "stop anytime I wanted."  I would have preferred some gum or patches, but that is not in the budget presently.  So Jason and I went cold turkey.  And ate everything in the house.  

Jason has been smoking since he was eleven, which makes this 23 years.  Suffice it to say, he is also having a bit of a rough time. 

I have to go have a snack now. 

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