Sunday, August 26, 2012

Day 3...Headscarf

Today was the first day Jason looked at my hair and said, "Hey, that looks good!"
Please ignore the ceramic cowboy pumpkin on top of my fridge.
He has said, "I love it!", "You look gorgeous!", and "Of course I like it!" many times - because he is not new at this husband thing, and so spent his friday practicing those phrases.  

We both knew this would not be his favorite haircut.  He prefers long, wavy hair; once in a while, I will throw him a bone and grow it out to the length he likes.  In our 7+ years, though, he has supported every crazy decision I have made, no matter whether he thought it was the best choice.  

This doesn't just apply to my hair.  When I decided to go back to school to be a nurse, he completely supported me.  When I changed my major to education, he still supported me.  When I changed again to psychology, he told me to do what I thought was best.  When I returned to my first, long-held dream of being a college professor, he once again offered only support.  No matter that I will be in school for over eight years by the time I am done;  he wants me to be happy. 

Ceramic Cowboy Pumpkin likes to sniff Modge Podge.

And I want him to be happy.  So even though my hair is all about me, I was pleased this morning when he actually liked what my hair was doing.  I don't dress myself for him, I don't wear make-up for him; god knows, I shave my legs about three times a year, so obviously I count my opinion over his.  However...there is something to be said for the appreciative look in your partner's eyes when they like what they see. 

Day 3 Verdict: Ceramic Cowboy Pumpkin totally approves, too.

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